30 rock The Hair and the Head, Cousins

1. Altyaziyi filme gomdum: transcode -i 3r111.avi -x mplayer="-sub 3r111.sub -ss 18:05 -endpos 50" -o outputfile.avi -y xvid

2. Bu kismi animated gif’e cevirdim: mplayer outputfile.avi -ss 0:0 -endpos 30 -vo gif89a:fps=5:output=output.gif -vf scale=200:150 -nosound -sub 3r111.srt

- Okay, we're gonna do this, then.
- Mm-hmm.
- Why do you have a picture of my great-aunt Dolly?
- Uh, no, that's my grandmother's cousin Dolly.
- Dolly Harlan.
- Dolly Harlan.
- No, I said Dolly...
- Harlan.
- From Smithtown.
- Smithtown.
- Oh, my God. We're related.
- Oh, no.
- Oh, God.
- Wow.
- This is...
- This is the worst!
- Franklin and Eleanor Rooseveltwere fifth cousins.
- Okay, on the count of three, say what level of cousins
we would have to be for this to be okay. - One, two, three. - Fifth. - Unacceptable, no matter what.

“30 rock The Hair and the Head, Cousins” için 0 yorum

  1. tarihteki diger kuzenler… — tabii ki arrested development’in george michael jr.’i ile maby. (bir bolumde bunlar “kuzenler” adinda bir fransiz filmine giderler, oyy oyy! 8)

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