Hex, Bugs and More Physics | Emre S. Tasci

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Mathematica Matrix Examples

November 19, 2007 Posted by Emre S. Tasci

Mathematica Matrix Manipulation Examples

B={Range[5],Range[6,10],Range[11,15],Range[16,20]} ;

(* To extract rows 2 & 3 *)
Part[B,{2,3}] // TableForm

(* To extract cols 2 & 4 *)
Part[B, All,{2,4}] // TableForm

(* To extract the intersection of Rows 2&3 with Cols 2&4 *)
Part[B,{2,3} ,{2,4}] // TableForm

(* Selecting the values from the 2. row where B[[4]][[i]] has a specific value like <10 *)

(* Selecting the values from the 2. col where B[[i]][[2]] has a specific value like <10 *)Select[Part[B,All,2],#<10&]

(* Alternative Transpose (//Equivalent to Transpose[matrixIN]//)*)
numCols = Dimensions[matrixIN][[2]];
matrixOUT = Array[mo,numCols];
� � � matrixOUT[[i]]=Part[matrixIN,All,i];

(* Swapping two rows *)
({B[[2]],B[[4]]}={B[[4]],B[[2]]}) // TableForm

(*Reading data from a file with a content like this:
 0.642864000  0.761961000  1.665420000 
 5.815150000  3.603020000  1.831920000 
 6.409050000  7.150810000  0.966674000 
 5.389080000  4.989350000  6.571080000 
 6.044070000  4.887170000  7.005700000 
 6.806280000  2.766540000  4.030720000 
 6.676540000  0.652834000  5.729050000 
 1.231490000  5.754580000  0.404114000 
 9.722660000  7.571420000  1.133980000 
 8.869320000  7.574570000  4.886290000 
 1.221750000  8.511380000  6.201370000 
 2.817450000  0.216682000  6.474590000 
 5.638430000  7.422500000  7.381840000 
 8.903770000  4.192770000  0.355182000 
 7.073810000  1.421990000  1.606240000 
 7.646660000  1.979770000  3.877830000 
 8.239190000  1.280060000  6.705840000 
 4.430740000  2.016050000  5.515660000 
 9.771000000  2.637290000  8.423900000 
 8.916410000  4.900040000  2.592560000


k= ReadList[m,Number];
(k =Partition[k,3]) // TableForm

(* And you can definitely Plot it too *)

One Response to “Mathematica Matrix Examples”

  1. Hex, Bugs and More Physics | Emre S. Tasci » Blog Archive » 3D Scatter Plot of data read from a file Says:

    […] I just copied the above code from a previous entry (but I had updated it just yesterday, so it is still fresh) the output graph will look like […]

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